Course Currilcum
- 1. Harappan Civilization 00:00:00
- 2. The Vedic Civilization And Culture 00:00:00
- 3. The Emergence of Mahajanapadas 00:00:00
- Quiz – 1 00:04:00
- AVODHA Official Malayalam YouTube Channel Unlimited
- 1. Medieval Period 00:00:00
- 2. Medieval History 00:00:00
- 3. Rajput Age 00:00:00
- QUIZ-6 00:05:00
- 4. Sultanate Period (1) 00:00:00
- 5. Sultanate Period (2) 00:00:00
- 6. Sultanate Period (3) 00:00:00
- Quiz – 7 00:04:00
- 7. The Vijayanagar Empire 00:00:00
- Quiz – 8 00:04:00
- 8. Sufi and Bhakti Movement 00:00:00
- 9. The Mughal Empire (1) 00:00:00
- 10. The Mughal Empire (2) 00:00:00
- 11. The Mughal Empire (3) 00:00:00
- 13. Interstate Relations 00:00:00
- 14. Planning Commission 00:00:00
- Weather and Climate 1 00:00:00
- Weather and Climate 2 00:00:00
- Weather and Climate 3 00:00:00
- Atmospheric Pressure 1 00:00:00
- Atmospheric Pressure 2 00:00:00
- Rocks 00:00:00
- 1. BODMAS Rules 00:00:00
- 2. Power of Exponents 00:00:00
- 3. Algebraic Identities 00:00:00
- 4. Square and Cubes (1) 00:00:00
- 5. Square and Cubes (2) 00:00:00
- 6. Fundamentals Problem Set 00:00:00
- 1. Conversion of Percentage 00:00:00
- 2. Problems on Percentage – Part 1 00:00:00
- 3. Problems on Percentage – Part 2 00:00:00
- 4. Problems on Percentage – Part 3 00:00:00
- 5. Problems on Ages 00:00:00
- 6. Problems on Ages ��� Part ��� 2 00:00:00
- 7. Problems on Ages ��� Part ��� 3 00:00:00
- 8. Problems on Ages ��� Part ��� 4 00:00:00
- 9. Problems on Ages ��� Part ��� 5 00:00:00
- 10. Time and Work Part ��� 1 00:00:00
- 11. Time and Work Part ��� 2 00:00:00
- 12. Time and Work Part ��� 3 00:00:00
- 13. Time and Work Part ��� 4 00:00:00
- 14. Time and Work Part ��� 5 00:00:00
- 63. Classification of Element Part 3 00:00:00
- i) Curriculum Design 00:00:00
- 1. Classification Introduction 00:00:00
- 2. Classification – Taxonomy 00:00:00
- 3. Binomial Nomenclature 00:00:00
- 4. Levels of Classification 00:00:00
- 5. Terms Related to Taxonomy 00:00:00
- 6. Animal Classification (1) 00:00:00
- 7. Animal Classification (2) – Ctenophora and Platyhelminthes 00:00:00
- 8. Animal classification (3) – Aschelminthes and Annelida 00:00:00
- 9. Animal Classification (4) – Arthropoda and Mollusca 00:00:00
- 10. Echinodermata and Hemichordata 00:00:00
- 11. Chordates Characteristics 00:00:00
- 12. Subphylum Cephalo and Urochordates 00:00:00
- 13. Vertebrates 00:00:00
- 14. Agnatha and Gnathostomata 00:00:00
- 15. Chondrichthyes 00:00:00
- 16. Osteichthyes 00:00:00
- 17. Amphibians and Reptiles 00:00:00
- 18. Aves 00:00:00
- 19. Mammals 00:00:00
- 20. Animal Tissue (1) 00:00:00
- 21. Animal Tissue (2) 00:00:00
- 1. Genetics Introduction (1) 00:00:00
- 2. Genetics Introduction (2) 00:00:00
- 3. Genetics Terminologies (1) 00:00:00
- 4. Genetics Terminologies (2) 00:00:00
- 5. Mendelian Genetics 00:00:00
- 6. Human Genetics (1) 00:00:00
- 7. Human Genetics (2) 00:00:00
- 8. Genetics Miscellaneous (1) 00:00:00
- 9. Genetics Miscellaneous (2) 00:00:00
- 10. Genetics Miscellaneous (3) 00:00:00
- 11. Genetics Miscellaneous (4) 00:00:00
- 1. Ecology Basis (1) 00:00:00
- 2. Ecology Basis (2) 00:00:00
- 3. Ecology Basis (3) 00:00:00
- 4. Ecology Basis (4) 00:00:00
- 5. Ecology Habitat and Niche (1) 00:00:00
- 6. Ecology Habitat and Niche (2) 00:00:00
- 7. Ecology Population (1) 00:00:00
- 8. Ecology Population (2) 00:00:00
- 9. Ecology Population (3) 00:00:00
- 10. Ecology Species Interactions (1) 00:00:00
- 11. Ecology Species Interactions (2) 00:00:00
- 12. Ecology Species Interactions (3) 00:00:00
- 13. Ecology Succession (1) 00:00:00
- 14. Ecology Succession (2) 00:00:00
- 15. Ecology Succession (3) 00:00:00
- 16. Ecology Community 00:00:00
- 17. Ecology Conservation (1) 00:00:00
- 18. Ecology Conservation (2) 00:00:00
- 19. Ecology Conservation (3) 00:00:00
- 20. Ecology Miscellaneous (1) 00:00:00
- 21. Ecology Miscellaneous (2) 00:00:00
- 1. Introduction to Human Diseases 00:00:00
- 2. Human Disease Virus 00:00:00
- 3. Bacteria (1) 00:00:00
- 4. Bacteria (2) 00:00:00
- 5. Bacteria (3) 00:00:00
- 6. Protozoa (1) 00:00:00
- 7. Protozoa (2) 00:00:00
- 8. Fungal (1) 00:00:00
- 9. Fungal (2) 00:00:00
- 10.Vaccination (1) 00:00:00
- 11. Vaccination (2) 00:00:00
- 12.Vaccination (3) 00:00:00
- 1. Units & Measurements 00:00:00
- 1. Work, Power & Energy Part – 1 00:00:00
- 1. Matter 00:00:00
- 2. Environmental Chemistry 00:00:00
- 15. Inter State Council 00:00:00
- 16. Nation Development 00:00:00