Course Currilcum
- Introduction 00:00:00
- Knowing JAP 00:00:00
- Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
- Introduction to pharmacovigilance terminologies part 2 00:00:00
- Causality Assessment 00:00:00
- AVODHA Official Telugu YouTube Channel 00:00:00
- Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Market and Industry 00:00:00
- Roles and Responsibilities 00:00:00
- All about Chalo India Startup Drive 00:00:00
- The Global Pharmaceutical Market size 00:00:00
- Demographics 00:00:00
- Rational and Irrational Use 00:00:00
- Expiry shelf-life,Disposal 00:00:00
- Pharmaceutical Research & Development 00:00:00
- The Main Pharmaceutical Companies 00:00:00
- The medicine Life cycle 00:00:00
- Pharmacovigilance – the global pharmaceutical market size 00:00:00
- Quiz – 1 00:15:00
- Pharmacovigilance 00:00:00
- Dispensing 00:00:00
- Blockbuster Medicines and Generic Competition 00:00:00
- Summary Pharmaceutical Market 00:00:00
- Commonly needed Medicines 00:00:00
- Obstacles to Access 00:00:00
- Morbidity and Mortality 00:00:00
- Introduction to Use 00:00:00
- The Pharmaceutical supply cycle 00:00:00
- Product Specification 00:00:00
- Fixed Dose Combination tablets (FDCs) 00:00:00
- Consumption based Method 00:00:00
- Morbidity based Method 00:00:00
- In-country Distribution 00:00:00
- Inventory Control 00:00:00
- Cold Chain 00:00:00
- Kits 00:00:00
- Quiz 2 00:05:00
- Selection and Specification, Essential Medicines 00:00:00
- Quiz 3 00:05:00
- Introduction Finance & Procurement 00:00:00
- Price References 00:00:00
- Central Medical Stores 00:00:00
- Rational and Irrational Use 00:00:00