Course Currilcum
- All About Chalo INDIA Startup Drive 00:00:00
- Knowing JAP 00:00:00
- Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
- android architecture 00:00:00
- Introduction to Android Course 00:00:00
- basics of java 00:00:00
- C++ vs java 00:00:00
- java concepts 00:00:00
- jvm 00:00:00
- naming conventions 00:00:00
- OOPs 00:00:00
- Assignment 1 5 days
- 8 Control Statements in Java 00:00:00
- 10 Example of Control Statements & Iterators 00:00:00
- 12 Arrays in JAVA 00:00:00
- 15 Scanner class in Java 00:00:00
- 16 Strings in Java 00:00:00
- 18 String Buffer & Builder , String Tokenizer 00:00:00
- 19 OOPS (Methods & Method Overloading) 00:00:00
- 20 Sample Programs for Methods & Method Overloading 00:00:00
- 21 Class, Object, Getter & Setter 00:00:00
- 23 Inheritance & types,super ,final, this keywords 00:00:00
- 24 Examples for Inheritance & types,super ,final, this keywords 00:00:00
- 25 Constructors & Constructor Overloading in java 00:00:00
- 26 Examples of Constructors & Constructor Overloading in java 00:00:00
- 30 Static keyword in Java 00:00:00
- 27 Examples of This keyword 00:00:00
- 28 Examples of Super Keyword 00:00:00
- 29 Examples of Final keyword in java 00:00:00
- 30 Static keyword in Java 00:00:00
- 31 Examples of Call by Value & Call by Reference 00:00:00
- 33 Inner Classes in Java & Generics 00:00:00
- 34 Access Modifiers in Java 00:00:00
- Quiz1-quiz in android 00:07:00
- 35 Packages & Static Import 00:00:00
- 37 Examples of Access Modifiers in JAVA 00:00:00
- 38 Examples of InnerClasses in Java 00:00:00
- 39 Method overloading & overriding 00:00:00
- 40 Abstraction in Java & Examples of Abstract class 00:00:00
- 42 Encapsulation in Java 00:00:00
- 43 Exception Handling 00:00:00
- 45 User Defined Exception 00:00:00
- 46 Thread in Java 00:00:00
- 47 Thread Synchronization part-1 00:00:00
- 48 Thread Synchronization part-2 00:00:00
- 49 Event Handling 00:00:00
- 50 Collection Framework 00:00:00
- 51 Examples of Collection Framework part-1 00:00:00
- AVODHA Official English YouTube Channel 00:00:00
- 1 Introduction to Android using Kotlin 00:00:00
- AVD 00:00:00
- 2 TextView and EditText Implementation 00:00:00
- Edittext output 00:00:00
- Pairing 00:00:00
- 3 Custom Toast Using Kotlin 00:00:00
- 4 AutoComplete TextView using Kotlin 00:00:00
- Quiz 10-Quiz in Android 00:07:00
- Quiz 10-Quiz in Android 00:07:00
- Output of Autocompletetextview 00:00:00
- Output of custom toast 00:00:00
- Output of toast 00:00:00
- 5 Checked TextView 00:00:00
- Android, SDK AND JDK 00:00:00
- 6 Dynamic ImageView 00:00:00
- 7 Dynamic Image Button 00:00:00
- BlueStack emulator 00:00:00
- 8 Radio Group & Radio Button 00:00:00
- 9 Kotlin ListView 00:00:00
- 10 Kotlin SeekBar 00:00:00
- 13 ProgressBar 00:00:00
- 14 FrameLayout 00:00:00
- 16 Implicit Intent 00:00:00
- 18 ContextMenu 00:00:00
- 19 CustomListView 00:00:00
- 20 Option Menu 00:00:00
- 21 TimePicker Using Fragmet 00:00:00
- 22 CardView Programatically 00:00:00
- 23 Bottom Navigation Bar 00:00:00
- Quiz 11-Quiz in Android 00:07:00
- 25 Json Parsing with Recycler and CardView 00:00:00
- Json parsing in kotlin 2 00:00:00
- Calculation 00:00:00
- Radio group 00:00:00
- WhatsApp Part 1 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 2 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 3 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 4 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 5 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 6 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 7 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 8 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 9 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 10 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 11 00:00:00
- WhatsApp part 12 00:00:00
- Making of TIC TAC TOE 00:00:00
- Making of TIC TAC TOE 2 00:00:00
- QR scanner in android 00:00:00
- QR scanner in android 2 00:00:00
- TO DO List in Android 00:00:00
- FINAL TEST Unlimited
- Congrats ! Submit the course completion form. 00:00:00