Course Currilcum
- Why Unity? How to install and use Unity 00:00:00
- Unity user interface 00:00:00
- Introduction into Game objects and its components 00:00:00
- Start creating first basic game introduction to materials, prefabs and parent- child relationship in unity 00:00:00
- How to create and edit scripts in unity 00:00:00
- Adding user input and more about scripting 00:00:00
- Scripting standards and introduction to physics engine 00:00:00
- Scripting standards and introduction to physics engine 00:00:00
- Installation of Visual Studio Community 00:00:00
- Big Helper Supercharger 00:00:00
- Installation of Virtual phone emulator 00:00:00
- UnityTesting App Installation for Android and ios Mobiles 00:00:00
- Indroduction to C# coding Basics 00:00:00
- Public and Private and Serialized FIeld 00:00:00
- Primitive Types(Variables,Temporary variables , Constants ,Logical Operations, etc) 00:00:00
- Vectors , Different Types of Movements using Velocity and Transform 00:00:00
- Control FLow(if, else if , switch , case, for loop ,foreach loop , while loop, 00:00:00
- NameSpaces 00:00:00
- Unity Introduction 00:00:00
- Familiarisig with all windows(Projects, Inspector , Console , Heirarchy , Animation Tab, TimeLine , Particle System) 00:00:00
- Detail Introduction on 3D and 2D 00:00:00
- Transforms(Position , Scale, Rotation), Physics , Colliders , RigidBody , TextMesh Pro 00:00:00
- Canvas Introduction 00:00:00
- Dive In to First Steps of code to Move an Object 00:00:00
- Make a Simple Shooting Game 00:00:00
- The Unity 3D Interface 00:00:00