Course Currilcum
- Why Unity? How to install and use Unity 00:00:00
- Unity user interface 00:00:00
- Introduction into Game objects and its components 00:00:00
- Start creating first basic game introduction to materials, prefabs and parent- child relationship in unity 00:00:00
- How to create and edit scripts in unity 00:00:00
- Adding user input and more about scripting 00:00:00
- Scripting standards and introduction to physics engine 00:00:00
- Scripting standards and introduction to physics engine 00:00:00
- Installation of Visual Studio Community 00:00:00
- Big Helper Supercharger 00:00:00
- Installation of Virtual phone emulator 00:00:00
- UnityTesting App Installation for Android and ios Mobiles 00:00:00
- Indroduction to C# coding Basics 00:00:00
- Public and Private and Serialized FIeld 00:00:00
- Primitive Types(Variables,Temporary variables , Constants ,Logical Operations, etc) 00:00:00
- Vectors , Different Types of Movements using Velocity and Transform 00:00:00
- Control FLow(if, else if , switch , case, for loop ,foreach loop , while loop, 00:00:00
- NameSpaces 00:00:00
- Unity Introduction 00:00:00
- Unity Introduction 00:00:00
- Familiarisig with all windows(Projects, Inspector , Console , Heirarchy , Animation Tab, TimeLine , Particle System) 00:00:00
- Familiarisig with all windows(Projects, Inspector , Console , Heirarchy , Animation Tab, TimeLine , Particle System) 00:00:00
- Detail Introduction on 3D and 2D 00:00:00
- Transforms(Position , Scale, Rotation), Physics , Colliders , RigidBody , TextMesh Pro 00:00:00
- Canvas Introduction 00:00:00
- Canvas Introduction 00:00:00
- Dive In to First Steps of code to Move an Object 00:00:00
- Make a Simple Shooting Game 00:00:00
- The Unity 3D Interface 00:00:00
- Creating Your Own Layout 00:00:00
- Our First Player And Movement 00:00:00
- Physics Basics – Theory 00:00:00
- Make Sure Changes Take Effect 00:00:00
- Rigidbody 00:00:00
- Rigidbody 00:00:00
- Collider 00:00:00
- Trigger Events 00:00:00
- The Concept Of Prefabs 00:00:00
- The Concept Of Prefabs 00:00:00
- Keeping The Hierarchy Tidy 00:00:00
- Keeping The Hierarchy Tidy 00:00:00
- Collider 00:00:00
- Basics – UI Elements 00:00:00
- Basics – Accessing Text Via Code 00:00:00
- Basics – Buttons 00:00:00
- Basics – Switching Scenes 00:00:00
- Basics – Switching Scenes 00:00:00
- Basics – Using Sounds 00:00:00
- Creating 2D shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating assets for 2D Shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating Scene in unity 00:00:00
- Creating Animations for 2D Game 00:00:00
- Player Movement and Animations 00:00:00
- Player Health 00:00:00
- Enemy Ai & Health 00:00:00
- Shooting Enemies 00:00:00
- Game Mechanics for 2D Shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating different levels 00:00:00
- Creating Ui 00:00:00
- Programming for UI 00:00:00
- Inventory 00:00:00
- Building Game for Windows 00:00:00
- Building Game for Android 00:00:00
- Creating 3D Shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating assets for 3D Shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating assets for 3D Shooting Game part2 00:00:00
- Creating assets for 3D Shooting Game part3 00:00:00
- Rigging and animation for 3d Shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating Scene in unity for 3D Shooting Game 00:00:00
- Creating Animations for 3D Game 00:00:00
- Creating Animations for 3D Game Part 2 00:00:00
- All About Chalo INDIA Startup Drive 00:00:00
- GAME DEVELOPMENT QUIZ – 1 in English 00:02:00
- Introduction about friction,physics materials,Accessing input from user And setting a gamelevel 00:00:00
- Start creating first game namely BeatBall,Creation and implementation of gameplay logic 00:00:00
- GameUi implementation that is presentation of score,level and number of chances 00:00:00
- Creating levels,Adding functions for Win/Lose 00:00:00
- switching levels according to win/lose,Creating GamePause functionality 00:00:00
- Analysing the UI button functionality and adding images into the Game ,Brief study about playerprefabs 00:00:00
- Creating Angry Birds replica,Detail information about rigidbody and collision 00:00:00
- Brief study and implementation of animation and particle effects ,creating enemy destruction algorithm 00:00:00
- Adding cineMachine into game. creating and implementing gameplay logic 00:00:00
- Creating diffrent levels and Fixing errors in gameplay Started creating Flappy bird game implemented in portrait mode 00:00:00
- Implementing gameplay logic using trail and error method 00:00:00
- Creating infinite levels and Adding Functionality that the camera follow the player 00:00:00
- Creating rotation on scrolling,Adding Trail and camera movement with respect to ball 00:00:00
- Started creating helix jump,Importing and setting mesh levels 00:00:00
- Implementing end condition,Set level transitions,Started creating colour bump 3D 00:00:00
- Creating first level with enemy objects adding random colour change in player ,camera bg and enemies 00:00:00
- Clamping ball movement within the Path.Adding trails with particle system 00:00:00
- Blender Intro 00:00:00
- Downloading And Installing Blender 00:00:00
- What Is Blender And What Do I Need It For? 00:00:00
- Start creating first basic game introduction to materials, prefabs and parent- child relationship in unity 00:00:00
- Installation of Virtual phone emulator 00:00:00
- Setting ui,Detect 3d collision in gameplay 00:00:00
- The Concept Of Prefabs 00:00:00
- Unity introduction and Installing unity. 00:00:00
- Creating A House 00:00:00
- Creating A Wind Mill 00:00:00
- Animate The Wind Mill 00:00:00
- Import The Wind Mill In Unity 00:00:00
- Creating A Wind Mill 00:00:00
- Project Outline – Pong 00:00:00
- Creating The Main Menu 00:00:00
- Switching Scenes And Using Buttons 00:00:00
- Building Our Game Scene 00:00:00
- Basics – Buttons 00:00:00
- 2D vs 3D Colliders And Rigidbody For Our Ball 00:00:00
- Moving Our Ball Left And Right 00:00:00
- Racket Movement 00:00:00
- Bouncing Off Correctly 00:00:00
- Pong Intro 00:00:00
- Components And Gameobjects 00:00:00
- Transforms(Position , Scale, Rotation), Physics , Colliders , RigidBody , TextMesh Pro 00:00:00
- Minesweeper Intro 00:00:00
- Project Outline ��� Minesweeper 00:00:00
- Adding music into the game(Introduction to audio source and audio listener). Destroying gameobjects that out of the game view. 00:00:00
- AVODHA Official English YouTube Channel 00:00:00
- GAME DEVELOPMENT QUIZ – 2 in English 00:02:00
- Zig Zag Intro 00:00:00
- Basics – Instantiating An Object 00:00:00
- Basics – Invoke And InvokeRepeating For Delayed Calls And Repeated Calls 00:00:00
- Basics – Playerpreferences – Saving Data 00:00:00
- Basics- Raycast 00:00:00
- Project Outline Zig Zag 00:00:00
- Setup For Zig Zag 00:00:00
- Setting The Perspective 00:00:00
- Moving The character 00:00:00
- Make Camera Follow Player 00:00:00
- Animate The Character 00:00:00
- Start The Game 00:00:00
- Restart The Game 00:00:00
- Collecting Crystals And Score 00:00:00
- Adding A Highscore 00:00:00
- Adding The Particle Effect 00:00:00
- Background Music Loop 00:00:00
- Procedural Creation Of Our Map 00:00:00
- Fruit Ninja Intro 00:00:00
- Project Outline Fruit Ninja Clone 00:00:00
- Create Fruits And Make Them Explode 00:00:00
- Create And Configure The Fruit Spawner 00:00:00
- Create The Blade 00:00:00
- Build The GUI 00:00:00
- Game Over And Restart 00:00:00
- Highscore 00:00:00
- Extend The Game 00:00:00
- Prepare Code For Android 00:00:00
- Play The Game On A Phone 00:00:00
- Improve The Looks Of Our Game 00:00:00
- Implement Unity Ads To Make Money 00:00:00
- Prepare Device As A Developer Device 00:00:00
- Create Sounds And Adding Them To The Game 00:00:00
- Create Sounds And Adding Them To The Game 00:00:00
- Minesweeper Resources 00:00:00
- Creating A Tile 00:00:00
- Creating Our Field 00:00:00
- Creating Our Field 00:00:00
- Changing UI Elements Dynamically 00:00:00
- Difficulty Levels 00:00:00
- Controlling Our Tiles 00:00:00
- Click Mechanics Part1 00:00:00
- Click Mechanics Part2 00:00:00
- Fruit Ninja Intro 00:00:00
- Project Outline Fruit Ninja Clone 00:00:00
- Create Fruits And Make Them Explode 00:00:00
- Create And Configure The Fruit Spawner 00:00:00
- Create The Blade 00:00:00
- Build The GUI 00:00:00
- Game Over And Restart 00:00:00
- Highscore 00:00:00
- Extend The Game 00:00:00
- Prepare Code For Android 00:00:00
- UnityTesting App Installation for Android and ios Mobiles 00:00:00
- Play The Game On A Phone 00:00:00
- Improve The Looks Of Our Game 00:00:00
- QUIZ – UNITY BASICS 00:05:00