Course Currilcum
- Introduction to Flutter_1 00:00:00
- An Introduction to Flutter_2 00:00:00
- An introduction to flutter_3 00:00:00
- An Introduction to Dart 00:00:00
- An introduction to Dart_1 00:00:00
- Flutter versus Other Frameworks__1 00:00:00
- Widgets ��� Building Layouts in Flutter_1 00:00:00
- Widgets ��� Building Layouts in Flutter_2 00:00:00
- Routing ��� Navigating between Screens_1 00:00:00
- Popular Third-Party Plugins 00:00:00
- Popular Third-Party Plugins_1 00:00:00
- Popular Third-party Plugins_2 00:00:00
- Testing and App Release_1 00:00:00
- Testing and App Release _2 00:00:00
- Dialogs in flutter 00:00:00
- Expanded and Flexible 00:00:00
- Flutter Toast 00:00:00
- flutter ToolTip 00:00:00
- Flutter Switch 00:00:00
- Textfield 00:00:00
- Flutter Form 00:00:00
- Hero Animation 00:00:00
- Autosize Text 00:00:00
- Themes in flutter 00:00:00
- BottomBar 00:00:00
- Custom Bottom 00:00:00
- Using Google Fonts 00:00:00
- UI orientation 00:00:00
- 36 Collection Part ��� 1 00:00:00
- 37 Collection part -2 00:00:00
- 38 Dart Generics 00:00:00
- 39 Callable Classes in Dart 00:00:00
- 40 Dart Async ,await & Future 00:00:00
- 41 Dart Isolate 00:00:00
- 6 Scaffold Widget in Flutter Widgets 00:00:00
- 7 Material App Widget 00:00:00
- 8 Stateless Vs Stateful Widget 00:00:00
- 9 BottomNavigationBar Widget 00:00:00
- 10 ClipRRect Widget in Flutter 00:00:00
- 11 Drawer Widget in Flutter 00:00:00
- 12 Opacity Widget 00:00:00
- 13 RotatedBox Widget 00:00:00
- 14 RichText Widget 00:00:00
- Handling User Input and Gesturer_1 00:00:00
- Handling User Input and Gesturer_2 00:00:00
- Plugins ��� What Are They and How Do I Use Them? 00:00:00
- Popular Third-Party Plugins 00:00:00
- Testing and Debugging 00:00:00
- Understanding the Widget Tree 00:00:00
- Adding Animation to an App 00:00:00
- Creating Scrolling Lists And Effects_1 00:00:00
- Widgets ��� Building Layouts in Flutter_2 00:00:00
- Dart Classes and Constructs 00:00:00
- Creating Scrolling Lists And Effects_2 00:00:00
- Saving Data with Local Persistence_1 00:00:00
- Saving Data with Local Persistence_2 00:00:00
- Saving Data with Local Persistence_3 00:00:00
- Quiz – 1 00:04:00
- Congrats ! Submit the course completion form. 00:00:00
- Dart Programming_1 00:00:00
- Dart Programming_2 00:00:00
- Your First App Introduction 00:00:00