Course Currilcum
- Knowing JAP 00:00:00
- Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
- All About Chalo INDIA Startup Drive 00:00:00
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking 00:00:00
- Overview of Malware 00:00:00
- Viruses and Worms 00:00:00
- Ransomware and Crypto Malware 00:00:00
- Trojans and RATs 00:00:00
- Rootkits 00:00:00
- Keyloggers 00:00:00
- Adware and Spyware 00:00:00
- Bots and Botnets 00:00:00
- Logic Bombs 00:00:00
- What is Linux? 00:00:00
- Lab Setup 00:00:00
- lab setup Part 2 00:00:00
- Building our own lab 00:00:00
- Getting Started 00:00:00
- Getting Started Part 2 00:00:00
- Basic Commands of linux 00:00:00
- Files and the Filesystem 00:00:00
- Files and the Filesystem part2 00:00:00
- Users and Groups 00:00:00
- Installing software 00:00:00
- Installing software part 2 00:00:00
- Manually installing software 00:00:00
- Shells 00:00:00
- shells part 2 00:00:00
- Shells part 3 00:00:00
- More utilities 00:00:00
- more utilities part 2 00:00:00
- more utilities part 3 00:00:00
- Networking at Command line 00:00:00
- File transfer utilities 00:00:00
- Learning Linux Part ��� 1 00:00:00
- Learning Linux Part ��� 2 00:00:00
- Learning Linux Quiz 00:01:00
- Building our Lab 00:00:00
- Process management 00:00:00
- Process management part 2 00:00:00
- Ethical Hacking Methodology 00:00:00
- Latest lab setup 00:00:00
- Networking ��� Electricity in Computing 00:00:00
- Networking Layers 00:00:00
- Introduction to Vulnerability 00:00:00
- VALC ��� Vulnerability Assessment Life Cycle 00:00:00
- Using NMAP to find Vulnerability 00:00:00
- Introduction to Exploitation 00:00:00
- Manual Exploitation 00:00:00
- Reverse Shell and Bind shell 00:00:00
- Staged and Non-Staged Payloads 00:00:00
- Automatic Exploitation 00:00:00
- Introduction to Shell Scripting 00:00:00
- Text Editor 00:00:00
- Naming & Permission of Shell Script 00:00:00
- Shell Scripting ��� Hello World 00:00:00
- Shell Scripting ��� Why? 00:00:00
- User Defined Variables 00:00:00
- System Variables 00:00:00
- Command Line Argument 00:00:00
- Read Command 00:00:00
- Command Substitution 00:00:00
- For Loop 00:00:00
- Functions 00:00:00
- While Loop 00:00:00
- Until Loop 00:00:00
- If Else Condition 00:00:00
- Case Statement 00:00:00
- Bash Debugging 00:00:00
- Python Scripting 1 00:00:00
- Doppelg��nger Domain 00:00:00
- Introduction to Web App Pentesting 00:00:00
- Spidering and Fuzzing with ZAP 00:00:00
- Bug Hunting Platforms 00:00:00
- Introduction to recon 00:00:00
- Enumerating Subdomains ��� Sublist3r 00:00:00
- Enumerating Subdomains ��� Assetfinder 00:00:00
- Finding Live Domains 00:00:00
- Sorting Live Subdomains 00:00:00
- Enumerating Subdomains ��� Gobuster 00:00:00
- Subdomain & X-Request QUIZ 00:02:00
- Web challenges 1 00:00:00
- PHP Code Injection Lab 00:00:00
- Practical SQL injection 00:00:00
- Introduction to Cryptography 00:00:00
- Objectives of Cryptography 00:00:00
- Types of cryptography 00:00:00
- Encoding & Decoding 00:00:00
- symetric key encryption 00:00:00
- WORKING OF DES 00:00:00
- Cryptanalysis 00:00:00
- SSH 00:00:00
- Hashing 00:00:00
- Checking File Integritiy 00:00:00
- Crpytanalysis_practical 00:00:00
- Disk Encryption 00:00:00
- ssl 00:00:00
- Introduction to Android 00:00:00
- Android Architecture 00:00:00
- Connecting a Wireless Adapter To Kali 00:00:00
- Android App Structure Intents 00:00:00
- Android App Structure-Broadcast Receive 00:00:00
- M1: Improper Platform Usage 00:00:00
- M2: Insecure Data Storage 00:00:00
- M3: Insecure Communication 00:00:00
- M4: Insecure Authentication 00:00:00
- M5: Insufficient Cryptography 00:00:00
- M6: Insecure Authorization 00:00:00
- M7: Client Code Quality 00:00:00
- M8: Code Tampering 00:00:00
- M10: Extraneous Functionality 00:00:00
- Reversing APK -1 00:00:00
- Reversing APK-2 00:00:00
- Ethical Hacking OWASP Quiz 00:02:00
- Hardcording Issues 00:00:00
- MobSF setup 00:00:00
- MobSF Static analysis 00:00:00
- Introduction to Network Pentesting 00:00:00
- Network Basics 00:00:00
- Information Gathering 00:00:00
- Information gathering 2 00:00:00
- Information gathering 3 00:00:00
- Active Information gathering 00:00:00
- Active Information gathering lab 00:00:00
- What is MAC Address & How To Change It 00:00:00
- CTF 1 00:00:00
- CTF 2 00:00:00
- CTF 3 00:00:00
- CTF 4 00:00:00
- CTF 5 00:00:00
- CTF 6 00:00:00
- CTF 6 Part 2 00:00:00
- CTF 7 00:00:00
- CTF 7 Part2 00:00:00
- CTF 8 00:00:00
- CTF 8 part2 00:00:00
- CTF 9 00:00:00
- CTF9 Part2 00:00:00
- CTF 10 00:00:00
- CTF 10 Part 2 00:00:00
- CTF 10 part 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 1 00:00:00
- Linux Boxes 1 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 2 00:00:00
- LINUX Boxes 2 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 3 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 3 part 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 4 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 4 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 4 part 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 5 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 5 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 5 part 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 6 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 6 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 7 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 7 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 7 part 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 8 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 8 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 9 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 9 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 9 part 3 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 10 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 10 part 2 00:00:00
- LINUX boxes 10 part3 00:00:00
- Windows Boxes 1 00:00:00
- Networking Quiz 00:02:00
- FINAL TEST- Ethical Hacking in English 5 days
- Congrats ! Submit the course completion form. 00:00:00
- OWASP TOP 10 ��� XSS 00:00:00
- Config Kali for API 00:00:00
- AD local Priv to Adminsrv 00:00:00
- Topology ��� Latrex Injection 00:00:00