Course Currilcum
- Knowing Big Data 00:00:00
- Knowing JAP 00:00:00
- Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
- Outcomes of Big Data 00:00:00
- Data Science Basics 00:00:00
- Big Data Basic Quiz 00:00:30
- All About Chalo INDIA Startup Drive 00:00:00
- AVODHA Official Malayalam YouTube Channel 00:00:00
- Regression 00:00:00
- Structured & Unstructured Basics 00:00:00
- Hadoop made simple 00:00:00
- Introduction to HADOOP 00:00:00
- What is the difference between a Local file system (LFS) and HDFS? 00:00:00
- HADOOP Distributed File System 00:00:00
- HADOOP Yarn 00:00:00
- Hadoop MapReduce 00:00:00
- Hadoop Installation and Map Reduce Job Execution DEMO Unlimited
- Step by Step Guide : Hadoop 3.3.0 installation and MapReduce Job Execution on Windows 00:00:00
- Step by step Guide Ubuntu (Linux) virtual machine installation on windows and configure Hadoop 00:00:00
- Hadoop- MapReduce Practical Assignments 00:00:00
- SQL-Structured Query Language 00:00:00
- Apache HIVE – Hadoop Ecosystem Tool 00:00:00
- Step by Step Guide : Apache HIVE installation using Cygwin on Windows & External Table Creation Unlimited
- SQL Quiz – Test your Knowledge Unlimited
- Hadoop – Test your knowledge 00:10:00
- Apache HIVE-Practical Assignment -Part 1 00:00:00
- Apache HIVE-Practical Assignment -Part 1-Continued 00:00:00
- HIVE Quiz – Test your Knowledge 00:03:00
- Apache HBase -Hadoop Ecosystem Tool 00:00:00
- Step by Step Guide : Apache Hbase installation on Windows & Table Creation 00:00:00
- Apache HBase Practical Assignment 00:00:00
- Hadoop Eco System- Other Tools 00:00:00
- Hadoop Ecosystem Final Exit Mid Term Quiz 00:10:00
- Big Data and Cloud Computing 00:00:00
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals and Overview 00:00:00
- How to Create a New Microsoft Azure Account 00:00:00
- Azure Subscription Policies ,Resource Groups and Storage Account 00:00:00
- OOPs Intro,Class and Objects 00:00:00
- Access Modifiers and Inheritance 00:00:00
- Method overriding,Encapsulation,Polymorphism and imports 00:00:00
- Chess with GUI part-1 Unlimited
- Chess with GUI part-2 00:00:00
- Chess with GUI part-3 00:00:00
- Chess with GUI part-4 00:00:00
- Numpy array manipulation Part-1 00:00:00
- Numpy array manipulation Part-2 00:00:00
- Numpy array manipulation Part-3 00:00:00
- Numpy array manipulation Part-4 00:00:00
- MySQL 00:00:00
- SQLite 00:00:00
- MongoDB 00:00:00
- MoneyHeist Data Exploration 00:00:00
- Breaking Bad EDA and a Glimpse of NLP 00:00:00
- Disney Movies 00:00:00
- IMDB 1000 MOVIES 00:00:00
- Netflix Shows 00:00:00
- Introduction to Statistics 00:00:00
- Population and Sampling Techniques 00:00:00
- Variables and Measurements 00:00:00
- Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion 00:00:00
- 5 Number Summary 00:00:00
- Gaussian(Normal) Distribution and Z score 00:00:00
- Log-Normal,Bernauli,Binomial and More Distributions 00:00:00
- Standardization and Normalization 00:00:00
- Probability 00:00:00
- Permutations and Combinations 00:00:00
- Hypothesis Testing 00:00:00
- Z-test,t-test and Chi-Square test 00:00:00
- Covariance ,Pearson’s Correlation and Spearman’s Correlation 00:00:00
- Introduction to Machine Learning 00:00:00
- Linear Regression 00:00:00
- R square and Adjusted R Square 00:00:00
- Linear Regression and R2_Score Practical 00:00:00
- Ridge and Lasso Regression 00:00:00
- Ridge and Lasso Regresson Practicals 00:00:00
- Logistic Regression 00:00:00
- Confusion Matrix,Precision,Recall and F-Score 00:00:00
- Logistic Regression,Confusion Matrix practicals 00:00:00
- Naive Bayes Indepth Intuition 00:00:00
- ROC AND AUC 00:00:00
- Naive Bayes ,ROC and AUC Practicals 00:00:00
- KNN,Euclidean and Manhattan Distance 00:00:00
- K Means Clustering with Practical 00:00:00
- Hierarchical and DBSCAN Clustering 00:00:00
- 1. Salary Prediction(Using Flask and Django) 00:00:00
- Using Flask Framework 00:00:00
- Using Django Framework 00:00:00
- 2. Admission Prediction 00:00:00
- 3.Drug Classification 00:00:00
- 4.Diabetes Prediction 00:00:00
- 5. Income Prediction 00:00:00
- 6.ForestCoverClassification 00:00:00
- 7.InsuranceFraudClaimDetection 00:00:00
- 8.Iris Flower Classification with Deployment on Heroku 00:00:00
- Introduction to Business intelligence 00:00:00
- Basic Charts and UI 00:00:00
- Geographical Maps 00:00:00
- Table and Matrix 00:00:00