Course Currilcum
- Opening and Creating Drawings 00:00:00
- Knowing JAP 00:00:00
- Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
- Exploring the AutoCAD interface 00:00:00
- Zooming and Panning 00:00:00
- Using the Mouse, Keyboard, and Enter Key to work quickly and efficiently in AutoCAD 00:00:00
- Lines 00:00:00
- Sample Drawings 00:00:00
- Creating layers 00:00:00
- Creating Blocks 00:00:00
- Dimension 00:00:00
- Layer States 00:00:00
- Properties by Layer 00:00:00
- Layer Tools 00:00:00
- The Properties Palette 00:00:00
- Quick Select 00:00:00
- Select Similar 00:00:00
- Measure Geometry Tools 00:00:00
- AVODHA Official Kannada YouTube Channel 00:00:00
- Scaling Viewports 00:00:00
- Using Layouts and Viewports 00:00:00
- Model Space vs. Paper Space in Layouts 00:00:00
- Intoduction to CATIA 00:00:00
- Introduction to catia 00:00:00
- Common introductory tools in CATIA-1 00:00:00
- Common introductory tools in CATIA-2 00:00:00
- Common introductory tools in CATIA-3 00:00:00
- Initial basic settings in CATIA 00:00:00
- CATIA Sketcher workbench introduction 00:00:00
- Basic profile tools to draw sketches1 00:00:00
- Basic profile tools to draw sketches2 00:00:00
- Predefined profiles tools1 00:00:00
- Predefined profiles tools2 00:00:00
- Predefined profiles tools3 00:00:00
- Drawing circle and arcs1 00:00:00
- Drawing circle and arcs2 00:00:00
- Using connect tool and drawing ellipse 00:00:00
- Drawing lines by line tool 00:00:00
- Drawing points 00:00:00
- Basic constraint tools1 00:00:00
- Basic constraint tools2 00:00:00
- Using constraint tool in detail1 00:00:00
- Creating corner and chamfer operations 00:00:00
- Creating trim operations 00:00:00
- Using operation transformation tools1 00:00:00
- Using operation transformation tools2 00:00:00
- Using operation transformation tools3 00:00:00
- Analyzing sketch 00:00:00
- Example 1 00:00:00
- Example 2 00:00:00
- Example 3 00:00:00
- Adding material by using pad tool 1 00:00:00
- Adding material by using pad tool 2 00:00:00
- Adding material by using pad tool 3 00:00:00
- Removing material by using pocket tool 00:00:00
- Adding revolved material by using shaft tool 00:00:00
- Removing material by groove tool 00:00:00
- Creating holes 1 00:00:00
- Creating holes 2 00:00:00
- Adding material along guide by rib tool 1 00:00:00
- Adding material along guide by rib tool 2 00:00:00
- Removing material along guide by slot tool 00:00:00
- Creating stiffening ribs 00:00:00
- Using solid combine tool 00:00:00
- Adding material by using multi-section tool 1 00:00:00
- Adding material by using multi-section tool 2 00:00:00
- Adding material by using multi-section tool 3 00:00:00
- Adding material by using multi-section tool 4 00:00:00
- Adding material by using multi-section tool 5 00:00:00
- Adding material by using multi-section tool 6 00:00:00
- Creating edge fillet 1 00:00:00
- Creating edge fillet 2 00:00:00
- Creating edge fillet 3 00:00:00
- Creating fillets by face to face and tri-tangent tool 00:00:00
- Creating chamfers 00:00:00
- Creating draft 1 00:00:00
- Creating draft 2 00:00:00
- Creating shell on object 00:00:00
- Using thickness tool 00:00:00
- Applying threading/tapping 00:00:00
- Using remove face and replace face tools 00:00:00
- Creating blend corner 00:00:00
- Editing the feature 1 00:00:00
- Measuring tools 00:00:00
- Creating transformation by using translaterotate tools 00:00:00
- Creating transformation by using symmetry/axis-axis tools 00:00:00
- Creating transformation by using mirror/scale tools 00:00:00
- Creating rectangular pattern of features 00:00:00
- Creating circular/user pattern of features 00:00:00
- Example 1 00:00:00
- Example 2 00:00:00
- Example 3 00:00:00
- Example 4 00:00:00
- Example 5 00:00:00
- Example 6 00:00:00
- Example 7 00:00:00
- Example 8 00:00:00
- Example 9 00:00:00
- Introduction to generative shape design i.e surfacing 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool point 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool line 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool plane 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool project combine 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool intersection and curve offset 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool circle and conic 00:00:00
- Using wireframe tool curves 00:00:00
- Using surface creation tool extrude and revolve 00:00:00
- Creating offset surface 00:00:00
- Creating surface by using sweep tool 00:00:00
- Creating fill surface 00:00:00
- Creating multi-section surface 00:00:00
- Adding surface by blend tool 00:00:00
- Using surface operation join, heal, dissemble tools 00:00:00
- Using split and trim surface operations 00:00:00
- Using boundary and extract tool 00:00:00
- Creating surface fillets 00:00:00
- Creating surface extrapolate 00:00:00
- Surface – Example 1 00:00:00
- Using body in white tools 1 00:00:00
- Using body in white tools 2 00:00:00
- Using tools toolbar in surface 00:00:00
- Applying material to surface 00:00:00
- Introduction to sheet metal design 00:00:00
- Setting sheet parameter 00:00:00
- Creating Sheet metal wall 00:00:00
- Creating wall on edge 00:00:00
- Creating Sheetmetal extrusion 00:00:00
- Creating flange 00:00:00
- Creating different types of flanges 00:00:00
- Applying bends 00:00:00
- Applying bend from flat 00:00:00
- Using bending fold and unfold tools 00:00:00
- Using curve mapping tool 00:00:00
- Creating rolled walls Hopper 00:00:00
- Creating rolled walls free from surface 00:00:00
- Using fold and unfold for view purpose 00:00:00
- Using cutting tool 00:00:00
- Creating surface stamp 00:00:00
- Creating bead 00:00:00
- Creating curve stamp 00:00:00
- Crating flanged cutout 00:00:00
- Introduction to assembly design 00:00:00
- Inserting component in assembly 00:00:00
- Manipulating component 00:00:00
- Using snap tool for manipulation 00:00:00
- Creating coincidence constraint 00:00:00
- Creating offset constraint 00:00:00
- Creating fix and quick constraint 00:00:00
- Using reuse pattern tool 00:00:00
- Analyzing degree of freedom 00:00:00
- Creating multi instantiation 00:00:00
- Creating assembly by top-down assembly approach 00:00:00
- Generating exploder view 00:00:00
- Adding part in assembly environment 00:00:00
- Replacing part in assembly environment 00:00:00
- Creating scene 00:00:00
- Splitting assembly 00:00:00
- Creating assembly feature hole, pocket 00:00:00
- Creating assembly feature symmetry 00:00:00
- Assembly clash analysis 00:00:00
- Creating assembly sectioning 00:00:00
- Introduction to drafting 00:00:00
- Creating views by view creation wizard 00:00:00
- Creating view by advance front view 00:00:00
- Adding projection view 00:00:00
- Adding auxiliary view 00:00:00
- Creating isometric view 00:00:00
- Creating offset/aligned section view 00:00:00
- Creating offset/aligned cut section view 00:00:00
- Creating detail view 00:00:00
- Creating clipping view 00:00:00
- Creating broken view 00:00:00
- Creating breakout view 00:00:00
- Adding 3D clipping 00:00:00
- Adding new sheet 00:00:00
- Generating dimension by auto dimension tool 00:00:00
- Generating chained dimensions 00:00:00
- Generating manual dimensions 00:00:00
- Generating hole/point table 00:00:00
- Generating GD&T frame 00:00:00
- Generating bill of material 00:00:00
- FINAL TEST Unlimited