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Course Curriculum

Introduction & Python Installation 00:00:00
Job Acceleration Program (JAP)
Knowing JAP 00:00:00
Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
Basic Python Concepts
PEDMAS Rule, Variables, Expressions 00:00:00
Reserved Words, Data Types, Basic in-built Functions 00:00:00
Control Structures In Python
Flow Control ,Booleans values, Comparison & Assignment Operators 00:00:00
Boolean Operators, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators 00:00:00
Chalo INDIA Startup Drive
All about Chalo India Startup drive 00:00:00
Flow Control Statements ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½If ,else if 00:00:00
While loop in Python 00:00:00
Break and Continue statements 00:00:00
For Loop Statement with range function 00:00:00
Importing Modules -random,math,sys 00:00:00
Function calls 00:00:00
def Statements with Parameters, Return Values and return Statements 00:00:00
The None Value, Keyword Arguments and print() 00:00:00
Local and Global Scope/Variables, Global Statement 00:00:00
Exceptions Handling with Try-except 00:00:00
AVODHA Official Kannada YouTube Channel 00:00:00
List Data Type
List Data Type , List Indexing 00:00:00
List Slicing 00:00:00
List Operations and del Statement 00:00:00
List Membership and Augmented Assignment Operators 00:00:00
Traversal through a List with a loop 00:00:00
List Methods -Part A 00:00:00
List Methods -Part B 00:00:00
List Methods -Part C 00:00:00
Copying List , List Comprehension 00:00:00
Quiz – 1 00:04:00
Tuple Data Type
Tuple Data Type and Operations 00:00:00
Tuple Methods and Functions 00:00:00
String Objects and List objects
String Data Type and Operations 00:00:00
String Methods -Part A 00:00:00
String Methods -Part B 00:00:00
String Methods -Part C and String Module 00:00:00
String Formatting -Part A 00:00:00
String Formatting-Part B 00:00:00
Dictionary Data Type
Dictionary Data Type 00:00:00
Dictionary Methods -Part A 00:00:00
Dictionary Methods -Part B 00:00:00
Looping and Counters in Dictionary 00:00:00
Array Data Type and Numpy Module
Array Data Type 00:00:00
Numpy Array -Part A 00:00:00
Numpy Array -Part B 00:00:00
Working with Text Files
File – Open and Read Functions 00:00:00
File – Write Functions 00:00:00
Programs on File Operations 00:00:00
Regular Expression
Regular Expression -Introduction 00:00:00
Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions -Part A 00:00:00
Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions -Part B 00:00:00
Character Class 00:00:00
WildCard Character 00:00:00
OOPS Concept in Python
Classes and Objects -Part A 00:00:00
Classes and Objects -Part B 00:00:00
Classes and Objects -Part C 00:00:00
Classes and Methods -Part A 00:00:00
Classes and Methods -Part B 00:00:00
Classes and Functions -Part A 00:00:00
Database Concept with Python
Introduction to Database 00:00:00
Using DB Browser for SQLite 00:00:00
Working with SQLite Database -Part A 00:00:00
Working with SQLite Database -Part B 00:00:00
SQLite Database Example 00:00:00
Interactive and Joins with SQLite Database 00:00:00
Additional Modules
datetime Module 00:00:00
time and calendar Module 00:00:00
Pandas Module -Part A 00:00:00
Pandas Module -Part B 00:00:00
Pandas Module -Part B 00:00:00
Django Framework
Introduction to Django Framework 00:00:00
MVT Architecture and Django Building Blocks 00:00:00
Software Requirements for Django Framework 00:00:00
Steps to Create Project and App in Django 00:00:00
Project Level -Settings Details 00:00:00
Sample Project -Hello World 00:00:00
Project -Adding Numbers using GET method 00:00:00
Project -Adding Numbers using POST method 00:00:00
Django Model Concept -ORM 00:00:00
Creating DataBase Class in Model 00:00:00
Admin Login and DB Object Creation 00:00:00
Model’s Field Types and Field Options 00:00:00
Django View Concept with Example 00:00:00
Django Template Concept with Example 00:00:00
Foreign Key – Field Type Creation in Model 00:00:00
Djnago CRUD Operation 1 -Create ,Update 00:00:00
Djnago CRUD Operation 2-Create,Retreive, Delete 00:00:00
Djnago CRUD Operation 3 -Method Access 00:00:00
Django User object -Part A 00:00:00
Django User object -Part B 00:00:00
Meta class in Django 00:00:00
Bootstrap Introduction and Steps for Project SetUp 00:00:00
Frontend for Hospital Portal using Bootstrap -Part A 00:00:00
Frontend for Hospital Portal using Bootstrap -Part B 00:00:00
Frontend for Hospital Portal using Bootstrap -Part C 00:00:00
Using User object from Frontend 00:00:00
Django Authentication- Login Session 00:00:00
Django Authentication- LogOut Session 00:00:00
Part B -Django
Authentication and Dropdown Option for Frontend 00:00:00
Adding New Class in Model 00:00:00
Creating Class Objects and allow privilege for SuperUser 00:00:00
Display objects in Frontend using SELECT query 00:00:00
Search ,Refresh and Sort functionality 00:00:00
Frontend for Hospital Portal to upload file 00:00:00
Delete functionality based on Privilege 00:00:00
Class object ,Settings to upload image 00:00:00
Upload image file to Class object 00:00:00
Display objects with Image button in Frontend 00:00:00
Display Image and help details in Frontend 00:00:00
Quiz – 2 00:04:00
Python GUI ā€“ tkinter
Introduction to tkinter , Button Widget 00:00:00
Canvas and Checkbutton Widget 00:00:00
Entry and Frame Widget 00:00:00
Label and ListBox Widget 00:00:00
MenuButton and Menu Widget 00:00:00
Message, RadioButton and Scale Widget 00:00:00
ScrollBar and Text Wigdet 00:00:00
TopLevel, SpinBox and PannedWindow Widget 00:00:00
messagebox Wigdet and place() method 00:00:00
grid( ) method 00:00:00
Tkinter Apps : Calculator and Roll Dice 00:00:00
Tkinter Apps : Temp Conversion, File Open-Save 00:00:00
Socket Programming
Introduction to Socket Programming 00:00:00
Ping google with Socket Program 00:00:00
Client and Server Socket Program 00:00:00
Retrieve Text and Image from Web 00:00:00
Retreive Text and Image using urllib 00:00:00
Parsing HTML Page 00:00:00
Parsing HTML Page using Beautiful Soup 00:00:00
Quiz – 3 00:05:00
Web Services using Python
Introduction to XML 00:00:00
Creating XML tree -Part A 00:00:00
Reading XML tree 00:00:00
Writing to and Modifying XML 00:00:00
Working with JSON 00:00:00
Introduction to API, Web Services and SOA 00:00:00
Using Google Geocoding API 00:00:00
Password Validity,Palindrome,Reverse String 00:00:00
Leap Year Check and Display Prime Number 00:00:00
Factorial and Fibonacci Pgm 00:00:00
Remove Duplicate records and Power of 2 00:00:00
FizzBuzz and Shopping List 00:00:00
Largest-Smallest Word ,Delete Consonents 00:00:00
Birthday Database using Dictionary 00:00:00
Rock,Paper and Scissors 00:00:00
n-doors Puzzle 00:00:00
Creating Matrix and Printing Pattern 00:00:00
Creating Lower and Symmetric Triangle 00:00:00
Linear Search Pgm 00:00:00
Binary Search Pgm 00:00:00
Anagrams and Timer Pgm 00:00:00
Simple Calculator 00:00:00
LCM,GCD,Tables 00:00:00
Monotonic, Armstrong No and Rotation 00:00:00
Odd occurs and find no of binary bits 00:00:00
Python Data Structures
Built-in data structures 00:00:00
Collections Module -Part A 00:00:00
Collections Module -Part B 00:00:00
Collections Module -Part C 00:00:00
FINAL TEST Unlimited
Congrats ! Submit the course completion form 00:00:00