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Course Curriculum

Features of flutter 00:00:00
Advantages of flutter 00:00:00
Disadvantages of flutter 00:00:00
Flutter ā€“Installation
Installation in windows 00:00:00
Flutter-Architecture Of Flutter Application
Widgets 00:00:00
Gestures 00:00:00
Concepts of state 00:00:00
Layers 00:00:00
Flutter-Introduction To Dart Programing
The evolution of Dart 00:00:00
How Dart works 00:00:00
Hands-on Dart 00:00:00
DartPad 00:00:00
Dart development tools 00:00:00
Hello World 00:00:00
Understanding why Flutter uses Dart 00:00:00
AVODHA Official Telugu YouTube Channel 00:00:00
Introducing the structure of the Dart Language
Data operators 00:00:00
Arithmetic operators 00:00:00
Increment and decrement operators 00:00:00
Equality and relational operators 00:00:00
Type checking and casting 00:00:00
Logical operators 00:00:00
Bits manipulation 00:00:00
Null-safe and null-aware operators 00:00:00
Dart types and variables 00:00:00
Final and const 00:00:00
Built-in types 00:00:00
Numbers 00:00:00
BigInt 00:00:00
Boolean 00:00:00
Collections 00:00:00
Strings 00:00:00
String interpolation 00:00:00
Literals 00:00:00
Type inference-bringing dynamism to the show 00:00:00
Control flows and looping 00:00:00
Functions 00:00:00
Function parameters 00:00:00
Data structures,collection,and generics 00:00:00
Introduction to OOP in Dart 00:00:00
Dart OOP features 00:00:00
Objects and Classes 00:00:00
Encapsulation 00:00:00
Inheritance and composition 00:00:00
Abstraction 00:00:00
Polymorphism 00:00:00
Intermediate Dart Programming
Dart classes and constructors 00:00:00
Constructors 00:00:00
Name constructors 00:00:00
Factory constructors 00:00:00
Static fields and methods 00:00:00
Interfaces ,abstract classes 00:00:00
Understanding Dart libraries and Packages
Importing and using a library 00:00:00
Creating Dart Libraries 00:00:00
Dart Packages 00:00:00
flutter development tools 00:00:00
flutter introduction to widgets 00:00:00
flutter animation 00:00:00
flutter introduction to layouts 00:00:00
flutter introduction to data base 00:00:00
flutter conclusion 00:00:00
state less and statefull widgets 00:00:00
Flutter Introduction
What is Flutter and Why is Flutter 00:00:00
Setup and Installation
Install the Flutter SDK 00:00:00
Install Android Studio 00:00:00
Dart Programming Language
Dart Introduction 00:00:00
Installing the Dart SDK 00:00:00
Data Types and Variables 00:00:00
Operators in Dart 00:00:00
Control Flow Statement in Dart 00:00:00
Function in Dart 00:00:00
Class and Objects in Dart 00:00:00
Constructors inDart 00:00:00
Collections in Dart List – Array as Fixed Length List 00:00:00
Dart Collections List – Array as Growable List 00:00:00
Dart Collections Set and HashSet 00:00:00
Dart Collections Map and HashMap 00:00:00
Asynchronous in Dart 00:00:00
Quiz – 1 00:04:00